By Chad Polito
Summer camp is in full session at BGC Dawson with 100 children attending day camp on a weekly basis. From waterslides to games in the park, there have been activities for all to enjoy. BGC Dawson is fortunate to have incredible partners who contribute in a variety of ways to summer day camp. Jays Care Foundation has provided summer camp training for all staff as well as financial support to ensure that camp remains accessible. Building on the success of literacy activities last year during camp, RECLAIM Literacy has partnered with BGC Dawson to offer activities all summer long!
RECLAIM provides free and confidential literacy services to the English-speaking population of greater Montreal. Using trained volunteers, the organization focuses on providing tutoring services tailored to individual learners’ needs in an understanding and supportive environment. Their goal is to help make low literacy something future generations will only READ about.

Thanks to a grant from Réseau réussite Montréal, RECLAIM was able to build on the success of a pilot project last year to expand literacy programs in summer camps this year. Once a week over the course of the summer, staff from RECLAIM provide workshops for children that are fun and engaging.
According to Joy Fykes, Executive Director of RECLAIM, the workshops make literacy accessible. “From music, to movement to computers, literacy is being incorporated in a variety of ways” shares Fykes as she was making special alphabet pancakes for all of the camp kids.
As children arrived at camp on Tuesday morning, the smell of fresh pancakes filled the air. Campers could hardly contain their excitement as they waited in line to try pancakes in the shapes of letters. From young to old, children could be seen discussing the letters and forming words with their letters as they kicked off the start of another day of camp. “It’s an easy way to show parents how simple it is to bring literacy into the home” says Fykes.
Tuesday also marked the launch of the reading challenge for all campers and camp staff. A BINGO card was given to each camper with literacy challenges to complete over the next few weeks. From reading under a tree to reading out loud, campers have the opportunity to engage in a variety of literacy activities. For each “BINGO,” children receive a chance to win some great prizes including a brand new Chromebook! As you are out walking the neighborhood this summer, be on the lookout for young readers and encourage them as they strive to reach their goals.